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Sunday, May 30, 2010

The True Meaning of Memorial Day

So, I've felt this tugging feeling at my heartstrings all day, and I know its related to tomorrow. I'm probably the single most patriotic person in this country. Memorial day holds a special place for me. Thank GOD i've never experienced the death of a loved one who was overseas, and I know many of you lovely ladies have. I'm very thankful for that. But my family is full of military personnel and Memorial day has always been special for us.

This morning in church, they played a video dedicated to fallen soldiers, about a girl who as a child wrote letters to her daddy, who was deployed....the video goes on to show how she continued to write letters, even after her father had died, and how she made a point as an adult to make sure her children knew the depth of their grandfather's love. Even though they had never met him. It was so touching.

I just really want to take a few minutes to honor our heros. They deserve it. Hope you enjoy.

Oorah. <3


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