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Monday, March 29, 2010

Hurry Up & Wait.

So, I'm becoming more and more stressed as the semester pushes toward the end. It just feels like school will NEVER end; summer will NEVER come; it will NEVER be time for me to get married. It just seems like my whole life is spent doing nothing but waiting for something better to happen.

I hate to be a kill-joy but I just can't make myself be positive today. It's a major accomplishment that I haven't just sat down and cried today. Of course, the fact that I'm pretty sure I failed a pharmacology test today might have something to do with why I want to cry....who knows.

It just seems like relief will never come. But, what can I do?

Nothing but hurry up and wait.

Countdown to Summer: 36 days.
Countdown till Baby goes to Boot Camp: 132 days.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Pigskin, anyone? Or, how about a Baby?

So, the school put on a great event tonight. They had a showing of "The Blind Side" on a big screen projector in the middle of the street. It was amazing! That is by far one of the best movies I've ever seen. Tonight was not my first time to see it, but it was most certainly just as good the second time around!

For those of you who don't know, The Blind Side is about a family from Southern Tennessee who adopt a homeless highschool boy. They take him in and start culturing him, eventually getting him involved in football. Long story short, the boy is an amazing football player who ends up going to Ole Miss on a football scholarship and upon graduating, signs with the Baltimore Ravens. Based on the true story of Michael Oher.

It's quite an inspiring tale!

It really really really really makes me wish it was football season! It makes life without my honey much easier to deal with when I can go to football games. He LOVES football, and when I'm at a game, I can almost hear him explaining the rules to me over and over and over he did the first year we were together. I was completely clueless as to how the game actually worked when we began our relationship....I mean, I knew that the object was to score touchdowns....but that was about it. Now, after he has been so patient with me....explaining things hundreds of times until i understood, I can almost interpret the game as well as he can.

That's one of the things I love most about him; it has never mattered how stupid I thought the question might be, he has always done his best to explain things to me, and answer every single little frivolous question that runs through my head. I find it amazing that he even trys to follow some of the thoughts that go through my mind...cause LORD knows they dont all make sense. But he has always been patient with me when I had questions and for that, I'll always love him.

In other news, the weather is beginning to perk up, and it's absolutely beautiful. It makes these last few weeks of school MURDEROUS. I cannot explain the loathing in my heart that I have for college classes at the moment. Beach, Bikini, Pool, SUMMER...Where are you??? Please hurry before I die.

Also, update on clinicals: So, I was totally prepared to NOT enjoy pediatric clincals (I hate seeing kids cry/get shots/be sick and all that jazz). But I actually fell in LOVE with it! Not sure how to feel about that, since I swore I'd never work with peds. I guess we suprise ourselves sometimes.

This afternoon, we were working in the daycare down the road from the school. Our task was to perform a developmental assessment on a child anywhere between the ages of 2 months and 6 years. My partner, Tara, and I ended up in the 6-9 month old room. Now, for the record, I was very proud of myself after leaving the hospital nursery clinical two weeks ago. I resisted those babies like I was a pro. However, day care was a different story. I definitely had a case of baby fever when I left. Those babies were so stinkin' cute! I know what you're thinking..yeah...they're cute until they cry, or throw up, or you have to change their diapers...but I'm completely used to doing that. My little brother and sister are 7 and 9 years younger than me. I've experienced that side of child rearing and it totally doesnt bother me. I've been thrown up on before..and I still really want a baby. Oh well, perhaps when the time is right.....which is still a minimum of three years from now.

Anyways, I guess thats enough of my rambles for tonight. Sleep tight everyone. Or, instead of sleeping tight, you could always take after me and Sleep Safe (Sleep with a Marine). ;-)

Peace & Blessings <3

Countdown to Summer: 39 days
Countdown till my heart leaves for boot camp: 135 days

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Peace & Blessings :)

Ok, so I'm a slacker and I never got around to my second post yesterday....well, today was a little better.

Even though I had to sit through class from was still an okay day i guess.

Well, tomorrow will be quite interesting...I'll spend from 9am to 5pm at a pediatric clinic in downtown Jackson....trying to do physical assessments on millions of sick grumpy BUT.....something good did happen this clinical for friday, April 2 got guess who gets an extra day off for Easter!!! Whoop Whoop! Contemplating going home thursday night to see the Mr.......hmmmm...I think he might like that. ;)

I'm quite excited that there are only 41 days left in the semester. Just sayin.

In other news, I adopted a soldier. :) I'm quite excited about it. I wrote my first letter to him today...gonna try to get it in the mail soon. I also sent him an email yesterday. I can't stand the thought of a single soldier fighting for our freedom without some support from home.

Hmm...tests next joy....well, guess i'd better start studying/ doing laundry....

Peace & Blessings Ya'll.
<3 - Hannah

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Can I Just Sit Down and Cry?

Wow. I can't remember the last time I've had to force myself through the day. Today has been a complete wreck, and for no apparent reason! I woke up on time, got to class on time....and the rest of the day was hell. I mean, nothing significant happened to make my day hellish, it just was. I found myself sitting in class crying...being stared at by my classmates like I was crazy; yet I had no explanation as to where the tears came from. I think maybe a combination of stressors caused this breakdown:

1) I can taste the summer, but the semester WONT END.
2) Drama, caused by my family, and his family. Unneccessary drama at that.
3) Looking for a summer job, this being broke business just isnt going to cut it.
4) Being away from him.

The list could go on and on. I know the stress is getting to me....i can barely eat. Well, thats one way to get the bikini body I've been striving for. Just not the way I planned. I'm still trying to eat though (for those of you who will reprimand me for not eating)!

As a matter of fact, I'm off to the cafeteria right now to meet a friend, and pray this day gets better. Until tonight's post (which I promise will be more optimistic), I'll be seeing you :)

Monday, March 22, 2010


Well, Short post tonight.

Today has been rather uneventful. Well, i've determined that if you are unhappy with Mississippi weather, take a nap, and when you wake up, the weather will be glorious. Thats what happened to me anyway.

I miss my man. More than words can say. I've always missed him when we are apart, but it's gotten worse lately. The moment I leave his side, I miss him. I dont ever want to be away from him. I never want to sleep alone.

I live for the day that we can be together on a dy-to-day basis. Though I know with his choice in career, that even throughout our marriage that wont always be possible. I think I'm just incredibly anxious to start my life. I feel like college has held onto me for so long...i'm ready to join the real world and start taking care of myself.

Ohhh the joys of impatience. Well, time for bed. Class from 8:30-4:30 tomorrow. joyfulness.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Back at school. :(

Today has been one full of emotion for me. First, I got up and went to church with my mom, little brother, and little sister. It was nice actually, except for the fact that it was practically sub zero outside.

Afterward, as I was looking online at what everyone had blogged about so far today, I was reminded once again about Mrs. P at A Little Pink in a World of Camo, and her incredible loss. When I think about that, I'm scared for my soon-to-be marine, but I'm also very proud of our soldiers and the sacrifices they make for the country we live in.

I attempted a nap, but got in a mere 15 of sleep before being woken by my brother and sister screaming at each other.....but atleast they have the liberty to scream at each other, right?

As soon as my mother realized I was awake, she burst into my bedroom, pale as a ghost. She had just gotten a call that my first cousin, Erica, at age 27 had passed away. Erica had a severe potassium deficiency that took her life today. My whole family was shocked.

I, as the oldest child in my family, had to accompany my mother to my grandparents house to deliver the terrible news. My grandparents were both heartbroken, as were the rest of us. I HATE seeing my grandparents upset. Especially my grandfather. He has been my rock through so much in my life, seeing him shaken gives me chills.

After about 4 hours, things with the fam began to settle as the horrible truth began to set in. At this time, I was forced to pack up my car, and make the 2 hour trip back to college.

It was full of sadness at the thought of losing Erica, leaving home again, and leaving my soulmate for another stint of time. But, sometimes life just throws us days like today.

I'd also like to take a moment to remember LCpl Dustin Lee who was killed in Iraq on this day 3 years ago. You are still remembered and missed by many. Save a spot in heaven for us.

Well, I guess the best way to sum this all up is simply by saying this:

Always take the time to tell your loved ones that you love them. Never leave the house, or go to bed angry. We are not promised tomorrow. We are only promised this moment, and we must take it, and make the most of it. Never say things without considering how they will affect the person you say them to. You never know when they might be the last words you get to speak to that person. Do me a favor, hug your loved ones tonight, tomorrow, and every day. And ALWAYS tell them you love them.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy Day

Today was great :). Got the spend the majority of the day with hubby-to-be and his mom and little brother. We had lunch at my future MIL's restaraunt, then spent all afternoon at Bass Pro Shop looking at boats and hubby-to-be shopped for fishing and hunting gear.

It was wonderful to spend one whole uninterrupted afternoon with him, as those are few and far between. Being in college two hours from home makes special time with him hard to come by. I hate that life requires us to spend so much time apart right now, and I can't wait until we can be together on a daily basis.

So, My new favorite word is......TEMPORARY.

Nursing school is temporary.
Current family drama is temporary.
My almost ancient car is temporary.

All of the negative or irritating things in my life are temporary. Which is quite wonderful. I'm just looking forward for the day when life gets easy, or well.......easier.

Well, I officially have 6 weeks left of school. That means, 6 weeks to lose 10+ pounds. Hellllllllloooo running shoes.

Here's the plan:
1) Run/walk/jog atleast three times a week.
2) Salads for lunch.
3) NO carbonated/caffeinated drinks.
4) 30 crunches & 10 sit ups a day.

I'm hoping to stick to stick with this regimine until school is out and see if i can tell a difference in the way my clothes/bikinis fit!
Hello beach bod!

Well, thats enough of my ramblings for now. Here are some pics from my day today :)

Me and the Hubby-to-be in the car :)

He slept, I took pictures...

Isn't he a handsome devil??

What he wants for his birthday. haha!

My super cute Guy Harvey t-shirt that Hubby-to-be bought me!

Countdown to Summer: 45 days.
Countdown till Baby leaves for Boot Camp: 140 days.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Productive. :)

Today has been productive. Hopped out of bed and got the house cleaned up just in time for my best friend to come and see me! First time i've seen her since early Feb. and it was wonderful!

You know you have a true friend when even if you havent seen each other in ages, the moment you do, it's like nothing has changed. You are still just as close as ever. I really don't even consider Lydia my best friend, she is my sister. Shes been in my life since we were 8 years old, and i wouldnt know what to do without her (Which is the reason she has been appointed my MOH)!

She has been an amazing support system to me throughout the trials I've dealt with while facing the adjustments of the fiance joining the USMC. She is always a constant that I can talk to, even if i call her at 3am, she is always there to talk to me/calm me down when i need it.

Well, after Lydia left, I got a visit from my great uncle and his daughter, which was lovely. I love that America's older generation is becoming tech savvy. No sooner had we sat down in the kitchen with a cup of coffee, did my sweet uncle whip out his Android and take my picture so he could "see how pretty I was" when he couldn't see me in person.

After my wonderful conversation with close family, i managed to make it to the grocery STORES to get things for supper. Yes, I actually had to go to THREE grocery stores to get all the ingredients for tacos. Yes, it was crazy. However, after conquering the grocery stores, i managed to get supper cooked, watch a 20/20 documentary, and take a long overdue bubble bath. NOTHING compares to a hot bath with candles and lavender :).

Didn't get to see my man today, which was a little depressing. But, tomorrow is a new day, so I have hopes of catching a peek at my honey then :). He seemed a little down and out today, but wouldn't spill.....hmm. I'll get it out of him tomorrow.

Anyways, as of today, life is pretty okay.

Countdown to Summer: 46 days.
Countdown until Baby leaves for Boot Camp: 142 days.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Well, here goes. So, I got engaged and my boyfriend of 3 years joined the Marines all in the same weekend. Wow. What to think. While I'm extremely proud of him, I'm also very nervous about it all. I have so many concerns. Most of all, I'm not sure I'll make a good military wife. I don't know if I can handle the stress and worry put on the shoulders of someone who's married to the military. Granted, most of the men in my family are in the military. There's Army, Navy, Airforce...this is my first experience with the Marines.

I love my Marine, and I'm very proud of him. I just hope that I'm strong enough to be the support system he is going to need.
He leaves for bootcamp in august. So I have all summer to get ready. I need comfort and peace about this big decision in our lives.

I'm extremely excited about the engagement, though it appears it will be a long, drawn out one. I have to finish school, and he has to get through bootcamp and learn to live as a Marine before we can even begin to make wedding plans.
Tentative date: 7/27/2013.
Yes, I know. Too far away. But hopefully we will have time to be financially stable by then; Not to mention I will have adjusted to life as the Significant Other of one of America's few and proud.

I'm itching to start making wedding plans, even though it is so far away. However, I cant even begin to think about venues or really anything pertaining to the wedding, since I have no clue where he will be, or where I will be when the time comes. I guess that means its time to slow down, put wedding plans on the back burner for now, and finish nursing school.

This has been a long and agonizing semester. Summer, please hurry. I need some sun, a beach, and my man to heal all this discontentedness.

Oh well, none of those are happening tonight. So, I'm off to enjoy(ha!) sleeping alone again.....I keep telling myself its only temporary....