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Sunday, May 30, 2010

The True Meaning of Memorial Day

So, I've felt this tugging feeling at my heartstrings all day, and I know its related to tomorrow. I'm probably the single most patriotic person in this country. Memorial day holds a special place for me. Thank GOD i've never experienced the death of a loved one who was overseas, and I know many of you lovely ladies have. I'm very thankful for that. But my family is full of military personnel and Memorial day has always been special for us.

This morning in church, they played a video dedicated to fallen soldiers, about a girl who as a child wrote letters to her daddy, who was deployed....the video goes on to show how she continued to write letters, even after her father had died, and how she made a point as an adult to make sure her children knew the depth of their grandfather's love. Even though they had never met him. It was so touching.

I just really want to take a few minutes to honor our heros. They deserve it. Hope you enjoy.

Oorah. <3

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Summer Plans. :)

Ok, so I'm a HORRIBLE procrastinator. and a horrible blogger.  You guys probably think i've fallen off the face of the planet. goes an update.

I got a JOB! YAY!!! It's not exactly the kind of job I was looking for, but I'm not complaining! I've spent 26 hours since Wednesday working in a Barbeque restaurant. Pulling pork, making sandwiches, potato salad, baked beans and cole slaw. Glamorous huh? It's cool though. I'm making money and that makes me like the happiest person ever.

C is still preparing to leave for boot. I'm getting more and more used to the idea. However, I'm ANAL about his ship date. If he doesn't leave at just the right time, I'm afraid I won't get to go to graduation. Seeing as how nursing school instructors seem to be kind of like demons encased in human flesh, if i happen to be in clinicals the week he graduates, I doubt seriously i'll be able to get out of clinical. Just let me tell you, if I miss his graduation I'm gonna be 5 foot 6 inches of PURE HELL. But the thing is, if he leaves on his ORIGINAL ship date, he will graduate in early January and I won't have to miss it. So I'm praying daily that he holds out.....though I just found out tonight that someone who is supposed to leave on June 14 has been in the hospital for weeks with staff infection and probably won't there's the potential that C will take his spot. I'm very if-y about that date because he will graduate in September...and I have no idea when 2nd semester clinicals start....ugh. :(

Anyways, on to happier things.

I have some KILLER tan lines. :) and that makes me very very happy. I've been laying out, outside a lot, and today, I started going to the tanning bed. How cool is that my mom's best friend has a tanning bed and I get to go for FREE? I love it. I'm hoping for a dead-sexy tan by the time we go to the beach in 2 weeks!

That's something else I'm incredibly excited about! I adore the beach! It's like the air is just easier to breathe. Ahh! I can't wait....However, I am  a litte skeptical....I'm hoping the Deep Water Horizon oil spill will hold off and not make Gulf Shores Beach all nasty and gross before i get there.......(come on oil, you've held off this long, just give me 2 more weeks!)

Ok, so....I have sooooo many plans for the money I'm gonna make this summer!
Numero Uno: Haircut.
Yup, I'm chopping it off. It desperately needs to be short. It's waaaaaay to hot to be carrying a mane like this around. But, I'll get it done, Candace (my hair stylist) does an AMAZING job, and always gives me a style I love.

Number Two:
New Stereo (and speakers if I can afford them) for my car! I desperately need  a stereo with an AUX input so I can jam out to my iPod. and I'd LOVE a CD changer...I'm addicted to music... Also, the speakers I have are complete crap. One barely works, another is busted.....and the rest are just horrible, if money allows, a new sound system is desperately in order.

Number Three:
$30 will ABSOLUTELY go towards an armband to get me into the Neshoba County Fair in July. That is by far my FAVORITE part of the summer! There is always great friends, great food, rodeos, concerts, dances, and you can get ANYTHING fried. I'm not kidding....funnel cakes, chicken on a stick, name it, they'll deep fry it for ya. It
s so nostalgic...haha. I LOVE the fair!

Anyways, that's basically it for now. Hope all of you beautiful people are having an amazing summer!

love love.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I Want It Wednesday!

This is what I want today.
C and I have always talked about wanting a bulldog puppy just because we think they are precious...but now that he's in the Marines, it would be like having our own mascot!

I love the idea of having my own personal Devil Dog...when my man can't be around!

The only problem is that most bulldogs puppies are rediculously expensive......but it's okay! When I graduate, and C graduates boot, we will have extra money and I WILL own one of these adorable creatures!

I mean, wouldn't he be a great little brother for this:

This is Gypsy. She currently holds my heart. But I'm convinced she needs an adorable little brother :)

What do YOU want today?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Not Me Monday!

So...I got this idea from Mrs. S over at The Adventures of Mr. Superman and Mrs. S and I thought I'd give it a try!

Here's a flashback from my week:

Last monday I definitely did not lay out on the beach with C for 2 hours. I didn't yell at the clouds for covering the sun while I was trying to tan, and I most certainly did not jump up and down like a crazy person when I realized last years bikini fit MUCH cuter this year. Thats something a 16 year old, single, self-image obsessed highschool girl with tons of extra time on her hands would do, not me.

Wednesday I did not have an emotional breakdown and run crying to C's house at 8 pm. I preceded not to spend the next two hours crying my eyes out on his bed over unnecessary drama. I didn't call my best friend crying, only to hang up on her a few seconds later leaving her utterly confused, and I definitely did not play pool until 1 am because it distracted me from life. That's something an emotionally unstable drama queen would do, not me.

Thursday I most certainly didn't spend 3 hours watching prime time television. I did not get super-excited about the season finale of Private Practice, and I definitely did not get even more excited about this weeks season finale of Grey's Anatomy. (and in case you are wondering, i'm definitely not obsessed with Grey's!)
I also did not demand that momma pause the DVR several times throughout the 3 hours of not watching TV so I could pee. Thats something a TV addict would do, not me.

Friday, I was not the one clapping loudest, or screaming loudest, for my best friend as she graduated with her associates degree. I did not stand up and clap when she walked across the stage, and I most certainly did not whistle obnoxiously loud for her in an otherwise quiet auditorium. That's something an obnoxious sports fan would do, not me.

Saturday, I did not spend all day sleeping and playing video games. I didn't leave the house, spur of the moment, to go with "my boys" on a random road trip 45 minutes from home, to spend 3 hours walking around walmart. That's something a silly teenager would do, not me.

What did you not do?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Help! Help! Advice needed!!!

I'm getting so lazy with these entries. UGH. Shame on me. Summer is definitely here. I'm LOVING my tan (even though its barely visible, but, I'm working on that)!

Soooo, I need some help! C has decided that we should up the wedding. He thinks we should get married when he finishes boot camp, which will be January. I haven't completely agreed yet, since I had my heart set on finishing college before we marry. However, he makes a good point. He will spend almost a year after boot camp in SOI and Sniper School and I can finish school. Plus, If we go ahead and get married, he can send me the extra money to pay my bills/buy groceries/live instead of being a broke college kid...I just don't know! I really want a traditional wedding, with all the frills that go with it; but if we get married so soon, there won't be time to plan all that, or money to get everything with. It's sooooo much to think about! What do you think????? I desperately need some input!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sing It Sunday!/Happy Mother's Day!

Sing It Sunday!

Music is a HUGE part of my life. Sometimes a song can reflect exactly how I'm feeling when I can't find the words to do it myself. It doesn't matter what I'm doing. Driving, laying out, cooking, cleaning, doing homework, running...there is ALWAYS music involved. So, I thought I would share with you guys, some of the songs that are currently on my most-listened-to list. Enjoy!

All Over Me by Josh Turner

This is my theme song! I'm a summer child, for sure. I'm happiest when its 90+ degrees outside and I'm on the beach/boat/lake etc. Plus, I just moved back home from college and I'm just now starting to spend some real quality time with C. So this song completely fits my life! Love love love it!

Jump by Flo Rida

Okay, so I've been running almost every day. Go me! Anyways, this is one of the most EPIC running songs ever. It just makes me wanna run faster and faster! It definitely pumps me up and keeps me going when I wanna be lazy and quit! Haha.

Love Your Love The Most by Eric Church

Story time! Ok so, when this song first came out, C heard it before I did. He called me, but I didnt get to the radio in time.....then a few days later, I caught the very end of it on the radio....He finally sat me down in front of YouTube and played it for me (and sang it!). It's been "our song" ever since. It was the song played to a slideshow of pictures I gave him for out 2 year anniversary, and also the first song we danced to when we reconciled after our breakup last year. This song means alot to me.

Tik Tok by Ke$ha

Mmk, This one had to make the list, just because its been dubbed the official "girls night" song for my group of friends. Haha. This MUST be played in the car on the way to the bar or someone freaks. haha. Just something fun to be silly to.

Ok, well there's this weeks sneak peak into my iPod!

Now, i'd like to wish all the bloggy momas a BIG Happy Mother's Day! Enjoy your day (and your sweet babies)! I salute you for being the strong one when your man is away. The rest of us have the liberty to break down whenever we feel like it. You all have to put on a smile and hold it together for those little ones who don't understand. I commend you for that. Congrats on being supermom. :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sweet Summertime :)

First off, YAY for summer. Gosh, I'm like the happiest girl in the whole world right now. Here's an update on my life since school ended:

I successfully moved my stuff home BY MYSELF. I feel very accomplished. Granted, it took like....2 hours to get everything situated in the back of my SUV, but I did it! It was very empowering :) However, now that everything is home.....NOTHING is unpacked. It just seems like there is too much to do, too many people to see! There's no time to bother with unpacking (or blogging, until now. Sorry guys!).

I have started working on my tan, and I must say, it's beautiful :)

I've also enjoyed spending all my extra time with C. since he has been informed that he is next on the list to ship out if someone doesn't meet their requirements for any of the ship-out dates before his. He isn't scheduled to leave until the fall, but there are severeal dates coming up before then, so if someone doesnt make it, my baby will be gone early. I'm really hoping he doesnt have to go until his original leave date. I've got all the details worked out so I can be at graduation if he leaves when he is supposed to. If he leaves early, I'm not sure how well the arrangements can be made. Nursing school doesn't like to accomodate. :(

Anyways, I can't WAIT for this week to be over! All my friends that are going to the college here don't get out of school for another week. So, I haven't gotten to spend much time with them. However, that will change.

I'm just looking forward to spending this summer with C and our friends and trying to make memories before he leaves. It's still surreal sometimes that this is actually about to happen. I'm very proud of him, but i've always been freakishly scared of the I'm definitely learning to adjust...

Ok, excuse me while I rant for a minute. I CAN'T STAND it when people start childish highschool drama. Just sayin. Especially when its people whose children are college-aged. It is just rediculous! And then, they want to blame it on the military. I mean, really?
Ok, so in case you haven't figured it out yet, C's dad and stepmom are not very supportive of his decision. So me, being the loud mouth that I am, told them what I thought about their non-supportiveness. So, that combined with me being rather blatant about my opinion on another subject has convinced them that I'm not worthy of their sons affections. Crazy, huh? I'm the only one who fully supports his decision and I think that its a crying shame. So, when C told them that he loved me anyways, and that just because they randomly decided to hate me didn't mean that he was going to, they decided to be shady towards him too. So he and I have been dealing with quite a bit of stress related to that. I mean, am I crazy?? Or is it completely retarded for parents to condemn their children for wanting to serve their country????

OK, enough. I'm done. Well, I could go on forever, but I won't. Number one, because I know you wonderful people don't read my blog to hear me whine. Number two, I'm on my way out the door to go eat catfish :)

Have a great night lovelies!

Until next time, love love love.

Countdown until C leaves for bootcamp: 163 days