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Friday, March 19, 2010

Productive. :)

Today has been productive. Hopped out of bed and got the house cleaned up just in time for my best friend to come and see me! First time i've seen her since early Feb. and it was wonderful!

You know you have a true friend when even if you havent seen each other in ages, the moment you do, it's like nothing has changed. You are still just as close as ever. I really don't even consider Lydia my best friend, she is my sister. Shes been in my life since we were 8 years old, and i wouldnt know what to do without her (Which is the reason she has been appointed my MOH)!

She has been an amazing support system to me throughout the trials I've dealt with while facing the adjustments of the fiance joining the USMC. She is always a constant that I can talk to, even if i call her at 3am, she is always there to talk to me/calm me down when i need it.

Well, after Lydia left, I got a visit from my great uncle and his daughter, which was lovely. I love that America's older generation is becoming tech savvy. No sooner had we sat down in the kitchen with a cup of coffee, did my sweet uncle whip out his Android and take my picture so he could "see how pretty I was" when he couldn't see me in person.

After my wonderful conversation with close family, i managed to make it to the grocery STORES to get things for supper. Yes, I actually had to go to THREE grocery stores to get all the ingredients for tacos. Yes, it was crazy. However, after conquering the grocery stores, i managed to get supper cooked, watch a 20/20 documentary, and take a long overdue bubble bath. NOTHING compares to a hot bath with candles and lavender :).

Didn't get to see my man today, which was a little depressing. But, tomorrow is a new day, so I have hopes of catching a peek at my honey then :). He seemed a little down and out today, but wouldn't spill.....hmm. I'll get it out of him tomorrow.

Anyways, as of today, life is pretty okay.

Countdown to Summer: 46 days.
Countdown until Baby leaves for Boot Camp: 142 days.