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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy Day

Today was great :). Got the spend the majority of the day with hubby-to-be and his mom and little brother. We had lunch at my future MIL's restaraunt, then spent all afternoon at Bass Pro Shop looking at boats and hubby-to-be shopped for fishing and hunting gear.

It was wonderful to spend one whole uninterrupted afternoon with him, as those are few and far between. Being in college two hours from home makes special time with him hard to come by. I hate that life requires us to spend so much time apart right now, and I can't wait until we can be together on a daily basis.

So, My new favorite word is......TEMPORARY.

Nursing school is temporary.
Current family drama is temporary.
My almost ancient car is temporary.

All of the negative or irritating things in my life are temporary. Which is quite wonderful. I'm just looking forward for the day when life gets easy, or well.......easier.

Well, I officially have 6 weeks left of school. That means, 6 weeks to lose 10+ pounds. Hellllllllloooo running shoes.

Here's the plan:
1) Run/walk/jog atleast three times a week.
2) Salads for lunch.
3) NO carbonated/caffeinated drinks.
4) 30 crunches & 10 sit ups a day.

I'm hoping to stick to stick with this regimine until school is out and see if i can tell a difference in the way my clothes/bikinis fit!
Hello beach bod!

Well, thats enough of my ramblings for now. Here are some pics from my day today :)

Me and the Hubby-to-be in the car :)

He slept, I took pictures...

Isn't he a handsome devil??

What he wants for his birthday. haha!

My super cute Guy Harvey t-shirt that Hubby-to-be bought me!

Countdown to Summer: 45 days.
Countdown till Baby leaves for Boot Camp: 140 days.


Lydia :) said...

I'm so glad that you got to spend the day with Will-yay! :) How did you get everything to work out?
Temporary is a really great word. You do have so much to look forward to, and things are going to get better! I love how you have such a good attitude about everything. You are amazing!
That sounds like a great plan! I remember reading that if you drink just one can less of soda every day that you can lose 16.8 pounds in a year. Plus, I think cokes are sort of expensive, so you'll get to save up $$$ too-double win! I want to get in shape for summertime, if it's okay, I think I'm going to try to do the walking three times a week and 30 crunches and 10 sit-ups parts with you, if you don't mind.
I love love love your pictures! Y'all are just the cutest, and looks like you had lots of fun!
Love you!

Hannah :) said...

Of course you can join my workout regimine! It is a little hard to avoid soft drinks though, as thats all my roommate likes to keep in our fridge and thats the majority of what is served in the cafeteria! But I'm determined! I bought 2 cases of 35 count bottled water. so thats 70 bottles of water! Surely i can make that span over the remainder of the semester!
Thanks for the encouragement! I try hard to maintain a positive attitude about life, even though its rough some days!

Lydia :) said...

Awesome! Now you're just gonna have to keep me texting me repeatedly until I report back that my working out for the day is done.haha I think that doing this with you will be motivational.
I know you can do it! And if you ever run out of bottled water, you can just be cheap like me and fill the old bottles up with tap water and put them back in the You do, and I know that makes you the best support every for Will. :)

Hannah :) said...

Aww, Well I'm trying my best! I agree about the water! There is no reason to run out! haha. I will definitely send you copious amounts of text messages to ensure you are accomplishing your workout! haha! Love you girl!

Lydia :) said...

Haha...You do that! Love you bunches too!