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Sunday, March 21, 2010


Back at school. :(

Today has been one full of emotion for me. First, I got up and went to church with my mom, little brother, and little sister. It was nice actually, except for the fact that it was practically sub zero outside.

Afterward, as I was looking online at what everyone had blogged about so far today, I was reminded once again about Mrs. P at A Little Pink in a World of Camo, and her incredible loss. When I think about that, I'm scared for my soon-to-be marine, but I'm also very proud of our soldiers and the sacrifices they make for the country we live in.

I attempted a nap, but got in a mere 15 of sleep before being woken by my brother and sister screaming at each other.....but atleast they have the liberty to scream at each other, right?

As soon as my mother realized I was awake, she burst into my bedroom, pale as a ghost. She had just gotten a call that my first cousin, Erica, at age 27 had passed away. Erica had a severe potassium deficiency that took her life today. My whole family was shocked.

I, as the oldest child in my family, had to accompany my mother to my grandparents house to deliver the terrible news. My grandparents were both heartbroken, as were the rest of us. I HATE seeing my grandparents upset. Especially my grandfather. He has been my rock through so much in my life, seeing him shaken gives me chills.

After about 4 hours, things with the fam began to settle as the horrible truth began to set in. At this time, I was forced to pack up my car, and make the 2 hour trip back to college.

It was full of sadness at the thought of losing Erica, leaving home again, and leaving my soulmate for another stint of time. But, sometimes life just throws us days like today.

I'd also like to take a moment to remember LCpl Dustin Lee who was killed in Iraq on this day 3 years ago. You are still remembered and missed by many. Save a spot in heaven for us.

Well, I guess the best way to sum this all up is simply by saying this:

Always take the time to tell your loved ones that you love them. Never leave the house, or go to bed angry. We are not promised tomorrow. We are only promised this moment, and we must take it, and make the most of it. Never say things without considering how they will affect the person you say them to. You never know when they might be the last words you get to speak to that person. Do me a favor, hug your loved ones tonight, tomorrow, and every day. And ALWAYS tell them you love them.


Jaymie Lynn said...

First I would like to say, I was so sorry to hear about your cousin. Alex sent me a text earlier today telling me about it. Death never becomes easy and familiar. I've been praying for your family girlie. Second off, it means a lot that you mentioned Dusty. I wish you could have met him. He was an amazing person and would so love the paragraph about him you wrote :)

And uhm..spring break didn't last near as long as it should have and I hate we didn't get to hang out all that much. Misses you already.

Love love.

Lisa said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. I'll be thinking of you and your family.

And you're right, taking that extra moment to remind your family that you love them can mean so much. I did that a couple weeks ago with my dad, and was rewarded with some amazing and kind words from him.