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Friday, March 26, 2010

Pigskin, anyone? Or, how about a Baby?

So, the school put on a great event tonight. They had a showing of "The Blind Side" on a big screen projector in the middle of the street. It was amazing! That is by far one of the best movies I've ever seen. Tonight was not my first time to see it, but it was most certainly just as good the second time around!

For those of you who don't know, The Blind Side is about a family from Southern Tennessee who adopt a homeless highschool boy. They take him in and start culturing him, eventually getting him involved in football. Long story short, the boy is an amazing football player who ends up going to Ole Miss on a football scholarship and upon graduating, signs with the Baltimore Ravens. Based on the true story of Michael Oher.

It's quite an inspiring tale!

It really really really really makes me wish it was football season! It makes life without my honey much easier to deal with when I can go to football games. He LOVES football, and when I'm at a game, I can almost hear him explaining the rules to me over and over and over he did the first year we were together. I was completely clueless as to how the game actually worked when we began our relationship....I mean, I knew that the object was to score touchdowns....but that was about it. Now, after he has been so patient with me....explaining things hundreds of times until i understood, I can almost interpret the game as well as he can.

That's one of the things I love most about him; it has never mattered how stupid I thought the question might be, he has always done his best to explain things to me, and answer every single little frivolous question that runs through my head. I find it amazing that he even trys to follow some of the thoughts that go through my mind...cause LORD knows they dont all make sense. But he has always been patient with me when I had questions and for that, I'll always love him.

In other news, the weather is beginning to perk up, and it's absolutely beautiful. It makes these last few weeks of school MURDEROUS. I cannot explain the loathing in my heart that I have for college classes at the moment. Beach, Bikini, Pool, SUMMER...Where are you??? Please hurry before I die.

Also, update on clinicals: So, I was totally prepared to NOT enjoy pediatric clincals (I hate seeing kids cry/get shots/be sick and all that jazz). But I actually fell in LOVE with it! Not sure how to feel about that, since I swore I'd never work with peds. I guess we suprise ourselves sometimes.

This afternoon, we were working in the daycare down the road from the school. Our task was to perform a developmental assessment on a child anywhere between the ages of 2 months and 6 years. My partner, Tara, and I ended up in the 6-9 month old room. Now, for the record, I was very proud of myself after leaving the hospital nursery clinical two weeks ago. I resisted those babies like I was a pro. However, day care was a different story. I definitely had a case of baby fever when I left. Those babies were so stinkin' cute! I know what you're thinking..yeah...they're cute until they cry, or throw up, or you have to change their diapers...but I'm completely used to doing that. My little brother and sister are 7 and 9 years younger than me. I've experienced that side of child rearing and it totally doesnt bother me. I've been thrown up on before..and I still really want a baby. Oh well, perhaps when the time is right.....which is still a minimum of three years from now.

Anyways, I guess thats enough of my rambles for tonight. Sleep tight everyone. Or, instead of sleeping tight, you could always take after me and Sleep Safe (Sleep with a Marine). ;-)

Peace & Blessings <3

Countdown to Summer: 39 days
Countdown till my heart leaves for boot camp: 135 days


Lydia :) said...

That is just the coolest thing! :) Did y'all sit outside or in your vehicles? I love The Blind Side too! It's one of those movies that just makes you feel so good after watching it!
=) You and Will are the sweetest!
You know that I'm tagging along with you to all the football games next semester.haha
I am so ready for summer too! I just want to be out of school more than feels like classes are squeezing the life out of me. And I know I need to shut up with the complaining because you are at least ten times busier than I
So, are you now considering a career as a pediatric nurse? :)
See, that is why you are gonna make such an amazing mommy someday!!
I love you bunches!