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Thursday, March 18, 2010


Well, here goes. So, I got engaged and my boyfriend of 3 years joined the Marines all in the same weekend. Wow. What to think. While I'm extremely proud of him, I'm also very nervous about it all. I have so many concerns. Most of all, I'm not sure I'll make a good military wife. I don't know if I can handle the stress and worry put on the shoulders of someone who's married to the military. Granted, most of the men in my family are in the military. There's Army, Navy, Airforce...this is my first experience with the Marines.

I love my Marine, and I'm very proud of him. I just hope that I'm strong enough to be the support system he is going to need.
He leaves for bootcamp in august. So I have all summer to get ready. I need comfort and peace about this big decision in our lives.

I'm extremely excited about the engagement, though it appears it will be a long, drawn out one. I have to finish school, and he has to get through bootcamp and learn to live as a Marine before we can even begin to make wedding plans.
Tentative date: 7/27/2013.
Yes, I know. Too far away. But hopefully we will have time to be financially stable by then; Not to mention I will have adjusted to life as the Significant Other of one of America's few and proud.

I'm itching to start making wedding plans, even though it is so far away. However, I cant even begin to think about venues or really anything pertaining to the wedding, since I have no clue where he will be, or where I will be when the time comes. I guess that means its time to slow down, put wedding plans on the back burner for now, and finish nursing school.

This has been a long and agonizing semester. Summer, please hurry. I need some sun, a beach, and my man to heal all this discontentedness.

Oh well, none of those are happening tonight. So, I'm off to enjoy(ha!) sleeping alone again.....I keep telling myself its only temporary....