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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Update :) I NEED SUGGESTIONS (see #4)

Yeah so, I know that my blogs have very bland titles right now...but give me a break. I don't have the brain space to come up with anything clever at the moment. However, I do have a few good things to share...

1.) Check-offs. Were today. I lived. I PASSED believe it or not. (Well, according to C, I was gonna pass all along, I wasnt so sure...). That's one HUGE weight off my shoulders. Now to study for my other 4 finals! Ugh!

2.) Housing. I DID get approved for my apartment next semester! Yay-uh! I can't wait to have a real I can cook real food! No more yucky cafeteria food!!!!!! (well, atleast a drastically reduced amount of yucky cafeteria food..) Also, my two best friends from school got an apartment in the same complex, so we will live right across the parking lot from each other!

3.) So, the apartment is actually about $700 cheaper than what I'm paying to live on campus (because meals arent included and such.) Soo, with that $700, I can afford to join the gym, go to the tanning bed, and lots of other really fun things next semester!

4.) So, I've decided to stop being a baby and do something big (well, big for me). I'm getting a tattoo. :)
It's quite a big step for me, since i've always been the child that followed the rules....and the incredibly pain intolerant one...(My mother would quite possibly have a heart attack if she knew.) But, I'm turning 21 this I'm thinking that sounds like a pretty awesome birthday treat. BUT, I have no idea what to get! Please send your suggestions :)

5.) The job hunt continues. I applied for 5 more jobs today and emailed a nurse manager about possibly positions. It seems like this job thing is going to be the death of me. this is probably the 4th or 5th time I've sat down and applied for atleast 5 jobs. so that like what....20-25 job applications??? And I haven't heard from a single person....bleck. However, I have come to grips with the fact that I could possibly wait tables all summer if need be. I just have to SOMETHING to make money. *Oh the joys of student loans...*

6.) I haven't even started packing yet. Ugh. I have like....6 loads of laundry to do. No lie. But I don't know what I'll do with them once they're clean! No. Space. Whatsoever. Ugh. But my mommy is coming on sunday to take stuff home :) So, maybe I can get more organized after that.

Anyways, thats about it for now. Until next time, love love.

Countdown to Summer: 6 days
Countdown till C leaves for bootcamp: 173 days