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Saturday, April 10, 2010


So...I know it's been absolutely forever since I last blogged. Life has been so crazy. There are officially 24 days until I'm out of school for the summer. However, within these twenty four days are numerous obstacles that absolutely scare the shit out of me. Let's take a look:

1) Check-Off. For those of you who don't know what check off is, it's basically a full head-to-toe assessment of a patient (or classmate), while an instructor hovers over your shoulder waiting for one tiny error so they can kick you out. Well, I'm pretty sure they dont like kicking people out....but it's still a great possibility. And by the way, a full head-to-toe, is EPIC. It includes every single tiny part of the body, both internally and externally...every nerve, muscle, and bone must be inspected, palpated, percussed, and auscultated. Needless to say, this is an extremely nerve-wracking process.

2) Nursing Exams. 4 exams in 5 days. It kind of makes me want to assume the fetal position and try to become invisible. Nursing tests are hard when i have one test, and two weeks to study for it. Four tests in one week is humanly impossible. I just cant imagine possibly passing them all with decent grades.

3) Room Sign Up. Well, room sign up doesnt exactly scare me, I mean, all I have to do is put my name down for where I want to live next semester (APARTMENT!). But, I don't have a roommate.....sooo, I am a little nervous about who will sign up to live with me. Being a nursing major an all, I can't exactly deal with a roommate who parties non-stop. I'm just hoping for the best.

In other news, I still havent heard anything about a job for the summer...I'm still applying though. I don't know what I'll do if I can't work. I desperately need some money. Plus, most of my summer plans include things that will require money.
Ugh. Well, I guess we will see what happens.

I absolutely can't wait for school to be over. I feel like it will be forever before I get to spend time with C (the fiance). It seems as though this whole USMC thing is starting to wear on us already...and it hasn't even begun. Don't get me wrong, I CAN HANDLE IT. It just seems like I get so edgy sometimes. It just breaks my heart that I can't spend time with him and I feel like there is constantly this clock ticking in my head.....counting down until he leaves. It drives me crazy some days. I pray that the summer will relieve some of this tension.

Well, I do have one really awesome thing that happened to me this week. I got to deliver a baby. Like, for real. My clinical group was at the hospital when this doctor comes up and is like "Hey, I need a student to come with me." So, I volunteered. He told me that I was about to deliver a baby and I thought I was going to pass out. He helped me scrub in to the exam room and i walk in to find a woman in labor. The doctor walked me through every step, from catching the baby, waiting for it to cry, passing it off to the nurse..delivering the mother's placenta, drawing blood from the umbilical cord, and performing an episiotomy. I know for most of you this sounds gross, but I was the envy of my nursing class!
There is something absolutely amazing about bringing life into the world....I've never felt an adrenaline rush like that before in my life. It was incredible.

But anyways, that's a pretty decent update on my life for now.

Until next time...

Countdown to Summer: 24 days
Countdow till C goes to bootcamp: 120 days


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about nursing! I'm a Pre-Med major and while it is the best thing for me, there are still some days I just want to curl up and cry! Stick with it though! And I love following =)