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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Almost Summer!

Wow....Life could you please slow down long enough for me to breathe? K thanks.

Finals are here. Well, almost. I have finals on Wed., Fri., Sat., Mon., and Tues. Then I'm free!!!!

So, with that in mind:

Plans for the Summer:

1) Gym.
2) Tanning Bed.
4) Neshoba County Fair.
5) Hopefully find a job. (cross your fingers!)
6) Go to as many rodeos as I can stand.
7) Barrel Racing practice.
8) Buy furniture for my new apartment!
9) Spend as much time with C as possible :) summer is gonna be pretty damn awesome. Well, thats the plan anyway.

However, I still have finals and checkoffs to get through...but I'm feeling slightly less anxious/nervous/scared about it all. I'm just ready for the semester to be done. I really neet some serious TLC. I can't wait.

I just really hope that I can find a job. I've applied at what seems like a million places and I haven't heard from anyone. Ugh. I dunno what I'll do if I cant make any money this summer. But I guess for now the best thing to do is not fret about it until I get done with all my tests.

The next week is going to be very stressful, not only do I have four finals and checkoffs to study for, I also have to figure out how to pack all my stuff up to move two hours back home. I have so much stuff in this dorm room that I can barely move. Anyways, i guess i'll figure it out eventually. Anyways, thats enough for now. Time to crack the love.

 Countdown to Summer: 10 days :)
 Countdown till C leaves for bootcamp: 177 days


KelseyC said...

I just started following your blog and I love it! It's finals time for me too here in Georgia. AND almost Summer as well :) I'm as excited as you.

Anonymous said...

Barrel racing! I had no idea you did that! It's such a great rush. Same with show jumping!