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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sweet Summertime :)

First off, YAY for summer. Gosh, I'm like the happiest girl in the whole world right now. Here's an update on my life since school ended:

I successfully moved my stuff home BY MYSELF. I feel very accomplished. Granted, it took like....2 hours to get everything situated in the back of my SUV, but I did it! It was very empowering :) However, now that everything is home.....NOTHING is unpacked. It just seems like there is too much to do, too many people to see! There's no time to bother with unpacking (or blogging, until now. Sorry guys!).

I have started working on my tan, and I must say, it's beautiful :)

I've also enjoyed spending all my extra time with C. since he has been informed that he is next on the list to ship out if someone doesn't meet their requirements for any of the ship-out dates before his. He isn't scheduled to leave until the fall, but there are severeal dates coming up before then, so if someone doesnt make it, my baby will be gone early. I'm really hoping he doesnt have to go until his original leave date. I've got all the details worked out so I can be at graduation if he leaves when he is supposed to. If he leaves early, I'm not sure how well the arrangements can be made. Nursing school doesn't like to accomodate. :(

Anyways, I can't WAIT for this week to be over! All my friends that are going to the college here don't get out of school for another week. So, I haven't gotten to spend much time with them. However, that will change.

I'm just looking forward to spending this summer with C and our friends and trying to make memories before he leaves. It's still surreal sometimes that this is actually about to happen. I'm very proud of him, but i've always been freakishly scared of the I'm definitely learning to adjust...

Ok, excuse me while I rant for a minute. I CAN'T STAND it when people start childish highschool drama. Just sayin. Especially when its people whose children are college-aged. It is just rediculous! And then, they want to blame it on the military. I mean, really?
Ok, so in case you haven't figured it out yet, C's dad and stepmom are not very supportive of his decision. So me, being the loud mouth that I am, told them what I thought about their non-supportiveness. So, that combined with me being rather blatant about my opinion on another subject has convinced them that I'm not worthy of their sons affections. Crazy, huh? I'm the only one who fully supports his decision and I think that its a crying shame. So, when C told them that he loved me anyways, and that just because they randomly decided to hate me didn't mean that he was going to, they decided to be shady towards him too. So he and I have been dealing with quite a bit of stress related to that. I mean, am I crazy?? Or is it completely retarded for parents to condemn their children for wanting to serve their country????

OK, enough. I'm done. Well, I could go on forever, but I won't. Number one, because I know you wonderful people don't read my blog to hear me whine. Number two, I'm on my way out the door to go eat catfish :)

Have a great night lovelies!

Until next time, love love love.

Countdown until C leaves for bootcamp: 163 days